The enduring legacy, and ongoing relevance of Kenneth Johnson’s “V”…

*****MOTHERSHIP-SIZED SPOILERS!!***** 1983’s “V.” In 1983, writer/director/producer Kenneth Johnson (“Six Million Dollar Man” “Bionic Woman” “The Incredible Hulk”), the man responsible for much of the TV that made up my childhood, released an epic two-night miniseries about a fleet of manned, giant flying saucers that come to Earth “in peace.” The onboard alien ‘Visitors’ appear…

My Trekcore interview with Rekha Sharma…

On my recent pilgrima–er, visit to the annual Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas, I was asked by my friend Bob Stutzman to do an interview for with Rekha Sharma, who played “Commander Ellen Landry” (both Prime and Mirror Universe incarnations) in the first season of “Star Trek: Discovery,” as well as President Laura…

Deep Space Nog: Another conversation with Aron Eisenberg…

Last year at the annual Star Trek convention in Las Vegas, I had the privilege of interviewing Aron Eisenberg, the “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” (DS9) actor who played the Ferengi character “Nog.” Over the course of 7 seasons, Nog went from a petty thief to a decorated Starfleet officer… arguably the single greatest character…

Star Trek Las Vegas, 2019: Reverse angle on the viewer…

My wife and I spent much of last week (July 31st-August 4th) attending the “Star Trek Las Vegas” convention. My friends Nick and George were there this time (flying in from all over the country) as well as my wife, who couldn’t accompany me on the previous two Star Trek Las Vegas conventions, so I…