Doctor Who’s “Shada”; a reassembled Douglas Adams classic finally materializes in the US…

While it’s been released on DVD/Blu-ray in the UK for nearly nine months now,  the BBC-reconstructed version of the Tom Baker-era Doctor Who story “Shada” finally arrived in the US via BBC-America, and will be released on DVD/Blu-ray as well on November 6th, 2018. Why the long wait between UK and US release?  Can’t say.  Was it…

San Diego Comic Con 2018, Last day. Until next year…

First, here are my previous entries on my Comic Con 2018 experience to date: San Diego Comic Con 2018: Preview Night megapost… San Diego Comic Con 2018: Day One Megapost… San Diego Comic Con 2018, Day 3 Mega-Super-Duper post… And now?  The big goodbye.  Sunday, July 22nd was the 4th and final ‘official’ day of…

San Diego Comic Con 2018, Day 3 Mega-Super-Duper post…

Last night ended Day 3 of San Diego Comic Con.   Despite some disappointments earlier in the day, the night ended on a high note for me.  It also reinforced a long-held belief of mine when it comes to conventions; have backup plans when your primary goals fall apart, and most importantly, allow room for…

San Diego Comic Con 2018, Day 2 Megapost…

San Diego Comic Con, Day 2 (technically Day 3, if you include Wednesday’s Preview Night) is almost at a close.  My plate wasn’t too full today.  Comic Con is made a little easier when you stop spending the entire day trying to get into Hall H and Ballroom 20 events, as I’ve done long ago.  No…

San Diego Comic Con 2018: Day One Megapost…

Last night was Preview Night; the champagne bottle breaking on the four-day geek mecca known as San Diego Comic Con. Today was Day One. Let the revelry begin! Earlier this year, I wrote a 50th anniversary salute to one of my favorite movies of all-time; “2001: A Space Odyssey.”  Today I attended an anniversary panel for the film….

San Diego Comic Con 2018: Preview Night megapost…

Today, Wednesday, July 18th (or tonight, as I type this) was San Diego Comic Con “Preview Night.”  Not many major events were scheduled, so I had a chance to get a quick lay of the land and see some of the new attractions and exhibits. Tomorrow is the official first day of San Diego Comic Con, but since I…

The days before San Diego Comic Con…

No matter how prepared my wife and I are for San Diego Comic Con (we’ve been attending the event together for nearly 15 years now), it seems like the last week before the event is always a bit of a mad dash to finish things. I spent the better part of yesterday putting together revised/new…

Marvel’s “Iron Man” ten years later…

The Marvel shared cinematic universe first came online with 2008’s “Iron Man.”   There’d been many other Marvel Comics properties adapted as films (“X-Men”, “SpiderMan”, “Hulk”) but “Iron Man” was the first that was deliberately designed to be part of a greater whole. It’s a universe that (10 years and 19 or so movies later) shows no…