“Return of The Mandalorian” makes for a far better chapter in “The Book of Boba Fett”…

*****TATOOINE-SIZED SPOILERS FOR “THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT!***** Like most other Star Wars fans, I looked very forward to Disney’s “Book of Boba Fett” when it debuted over a month ago, but several episodes in, I began to feel a distinct lack of interest. After episode 2, my longtime Star Wars fan wife gave up…

Does “Blade Runner” actually ‘Dream of Electric Sheep’…?

****SPOILERS FOR “BLADE RUNNER”***** ****SPOILERS FOR “DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?”**** The Book Like many sci-fi movie fans of my generation, I came into the late Philip K. Dick’s work ass-backward; from the movie adaptations of his works to the books themselves. One movie I’d become increasingly fond of, especially after its 1991 “Director’s…

After six seasons, “The Expanse” closes on its own terms…

*****CERES-SIZED SPOILERS!!***** After six seasons, or more like five and a half, Amazon Prime’s “The Expanse” has come to an end, though it leaves open opportunities for a potential comeback. The series is based on the novels by “James S.A. Corey” (noms de plume for authors Ty Franck & Daniel Abraham) and was adapted by…

“Space Station 76” (2014); in space, no one can hear you boogie…

*****ASTEROID-SIZED SPOILERS AHEAD!***** Mise en Scène. Cowritten by Jennifer Elise Cox (“Jan” from the “Brady Bunch” movies), Michael Stoyanov, Sam Pancake, costar Kali Rocha and director Jack Plotnick, “Space Station 76” (2014) piqued my interest with what appeared to be a spoof of 1970s disco-era science fiction TV shows, specifically the aesthetics of “Space: 1999”…

Star Trek: Singing the Body Electric…

*****STARSHIP-SIZED SPOILERS AHEAD FOR TOS, TNG, PICARD, DISCOVERY***** With apologies to both Walt Whitman and Ray Bradbury, Star Trek’s attitudes on ‘the body electric’ have undergone a paradigm shift from 1966 to 2021. The season one finale of Star Trek: Picard, S1.10: “Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2″ saw Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) awakening…

Netflix’s “Don’t Look Up” is a scathing satire of inconvenient truths…

*****COMET-SIZED SPOILERS AHEAD!!***** Writer/director/producer Adam McKay is known for poking fun at television conventions (“Anchorman”) and politics (his “Saturday Night Live” shorts). With Netflix’s “Don’t Look Up” (2021) he takes aim at the current distrust of science and common sense, using a planet-destroying comet as broad metaphor for COVID and climate change-denials. McKay also skewers…

Doctor Who: “Eve of the Daleks” gets back to basics…

*****TARDIS-SIZED SPOILERS!!***** Doctor Who’s New Year’s Day episode, “Eve of the Daleks”, directed by Annetta Laufer and written by current producer/showrunner Chris Chibnall, has aired. While the current run of Doctor Who will be the last under Chris Chibnall before the return of Russell T. Davies in 2023, I’m pleased to write that “Eve of…

Star Trek: Discovery, S4.7: “…But to Connect” reaches out

Happy New Year! To longtime readers/subscribers; I apologize for this Star Trek: Discovery review being a couple days late, but New Year’s Eve as well as a new Disney+ series set in a galaxy far, far away made things a bit more busy than usual, so without further ado, let’s get Trekking… *****STARSHIP-SIZED SPOILERS!!***** The…