“Star Trek: Very Short Treks” (2023) are single-joke shorts that miss more than they hit…

*****STARSHIP-SIZED SPOILERS***** To fans of Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973-4) like myself, I was delighted to see the opening of the first of five Star Trek: Very Short Treks unveil recently, as I loved its tongue-in-cheek reimagining of the Paramount+ Star Trek into, which is now rendered in nostalgically cheesy, Filmation-style animation. The short…

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, S2.5: “Charades” deconstructs Spock…

*****STARSHIP-SIZED SPOILERS!****** This week’s episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds takes a rare look at the human half of the stoic, self-identifying Vulcan science officer, Spock (Ethan Peck).  Like last season’s “Spock Amok,” “Charades” sees Lt. Spock feeling not quite himself, at a particularly bad time—as his Vulcan fiancée and prospective in-laws come aboard…

Star Trek: Short Treks, 2.1: “Q&A” offers a brief, but nice ride…

CBS-All Access has just launched its second series of “Star Trek: Short Treks.” Short Treks are a brief series of webisodes designed to keep CBS-AA from hemorrhaging subscribers before the debut of “Star Trek: Picard” and the third season premiere of “Star Trek: Discovery”; both arriving in early 2020. Last year’s Short Treks were an…

“Star Trek: The Motion Picture” (1979), back on the main viewer…

Return to Tomorrow… Sunday, September 15th, 2019. A few months shy of the 40th anniversary of “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”’s debut (Dec. 7th), and my local AMC Theatre chain in coordination with Fathom Events had a special weekend screening of this film that I last saw theatrically about 37th years ago (on a double-bill…

Star Trek: Discovery, S2.8, “If Memory Serves” recalls classic Trek…

The latest episode of Star Trek manages to pull off the near-impossible; act as a sequel to the original TOS Star Trek pilot, “The Cage”, as well as a ‘logical’ (forgive the pun) continuation of Star Trek: Discovery’s own current “red angel” storyline. It does so with enough style, elegance and nostalgia to make this…

Star Trek Discovery S2.2: The way to “New Eden”…

****STARSHIP-SIZED SPOILERS!!**** The latest episode of Discovery’s title, “New Eden”, briefly recalled (for me, anyway) the crazy space-hippies in TOS’ “The Way To Eden.” But this latest episode wasn’t about stealing shuttles and eating acidic apples. The space hippies were seeking a literal Eden, whereas the crew of the Discovery happen upon a planet frozen…

“Star Trek V: The Final Frontier” (1989): God only knows…

I’ve been a Star Trek fan for almost as long as I can remember, and one thing I’ve seen over the years is that there is rarely consensus on what constitutes good Star Trek.   Even the best episodes & movies have their detractors, and the worst always have their champions. I myself have quite…