The Night the Cylons Landed: September 17th, 1978…

Last week marked the 45th anniversary of a show I was absolutely nuts about as a kid. I couldn’t let September 17th, 1978 go unmentioned. Oh, and apologies for borrowing the title of this column from a two-parter of the otherwise sacrilegious “Galactica: 1980,” but it seemed to fit… What’s This? In the second half…

Retro-Musings: “The Six Million Dollar Man” (1973-1978)…

*****BIONIC SPOILERS!!***** Back when I was a kid in the Stone Age, we had three TV networks, a few UHF stations, and pretty much nothing else. VCRs were not yet commonplace (they existed, but were super-expensive), and there weren’t yet DVRs or DVDs, let alone streaming. For video gaming, you had Pong and Atari. That…