Retro-Musings: Mario Bava’s “Planet of the Vampires” (1965) is a clunky yet stylish precursor to “ALIEN”…

******SPACESHIP-SIZED SPOILERS!****** In 1965, famed gothic horror filmmaker Mario Bava (1914-1980)—director of movies such as “Black Sunday,” “Blood and Black Lace,” and “Black Sabbath”—made a rare foray into science fiction. While “Planet of the Vampires” (original Italian title, “Terrore nello Spazio”) isn’t representative of Bava’s best work, it’s among his most visually creative, influencing generations…

“The Immortal” (1969-1971) was a short-lived ‘Fugitive’ with magic blood…

******TYPE-O SPOILERS!!****** “Try Try Try to Understand…He’s a Magic Man.” Ben Richards, as played by Christopher George (1931-1982) is a race car test driver who learns that his blood–after donating some of it to a dying old industrialist named Jordan Braddock (Barry Sullivan)–has unique regenerative properties that will allow him to live virtually forever (barring…