Son of CreepIECon! “CreepIE Aftermath” returns to bedevil the Inland Empire a second time this year……

Son of CreepIECon… Debuting in February of 2022 and returning in February of this year, the Inland Empire’s current biggest and steadiest horror convention gains more notice and attendees with each outing. I’ve covered the previous two CreepIECons for this site, and I was more than happy to do so again for an unexpected second…

Retro-Musings: “The Six Million Dollar Man” (1973-1978)…

*****BIONIC SPOILERS!!***** Back when I was a kid in the Stone Age, we had three TV networks, a few UHF stations, and pretty much nothing else. VCRs were not yet commonplace (they existed, but were super-expensive), and there weren’t yet DVRs or DVDs, let alone streaming. For video gaming, you had Pong and Atari. That…